"Our mission is to share our compassion and dedication for music with everyone. Our purpose is to encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to experience live music through professional concert performances."
2014-15 Supporters of Southern Nevada Symphony Orchestra
Sincere thanks and appreciation to our financial supporters
$5,000.00 and above (Prestissimo)
$2,000.00 to $4,999.00 (Presto)
Eureka Casino Resort
Harold A. McVey Family Fund
$1000.00 to $1,999.00 (Vivace)
Dr. Ann Rice
Brent Pettit
Quality Engineering Associates
$500.00 to $999.00 (Allegro)
Wayne & Mary Jane Duvel
Larry LeMieux
Dallas & Nancy Henrichsen
Ed & Patti Fizer
Linda Mousley
Dr. Ann Rice
$250.00 to $499.00 (Allegretto)
Mesquite Sunrise Rotary
Fit Physical Therapy
Merlin Hafen/Desert Gold Realty
Austin & Linda Hayward
Michael & Patricia Vance
$100.00 to $249.00 (Moderato)
Allan & Phyllis Litman
Sun City Realty
Charles & Virginia Loomis
Gloria George
Marvin & Jeannine Phillips
Charles Hospadura & Sherry Gosdis-Hospadura
Bill & Nila Lilienthal
Robert Hebbert Foundation
Mike & Gwen Kubasak
Bruce Greene
Robert A. & Lynette A. Lame
Gladys Irish
Virgil & Marilyn Condon
Edward & Michele Ramsey
Al & Linda Faas
Harry & Katherine Hildt
Wayne & Sally Haugen
$50.00 to $99.00 (Andantino)
Patricia L. Holden
Mary Hoberg
Donna Phelps & Milt Riley
Ron & Claire Kirchen
Penny & Louis Prapotnik
Carol Ferris
$25.00 to $49.00 (Andante)
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Harris
Kahryn Harris
Bradon Harris
Morgan Harris
Michael Harris
Colby Spitzer
Alfred & Joann Booth
Roger J. Mueller
Special Donations
Brent Pettit
Diane Strong
Jerry Wood
Hazel Wylie
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